It's time to gear up for what could prove to be
the best week of your summer...
the best week of your summer...
Student Life Mission Camp 2025
We'll experience an incredible week of camp, and have the joy of serving others when we head to Student Life Mission Camp 2025 at Lee University June 9-13. This camp is open to all rising 7th Graders through departing 12th Graders. The cost of camp is $350 and signup is first come, first serve, so get signed up right away! In fact, to ensure you get a spot, sign up by Friday, January 31!
June 9-13, 2025
Lee University
Cleveland, TN
Cleveland, TN
Speaker: Shaq Hardy
Worship Leader: Kyle and Lauren Smith
Worship Leader: Kyle and Lauren Smith
What is Student Life Mission Camp?
Student Life Camp is an incredibly fun, adrenaline-pumping, God-honoring week filled with worship, friends, & a whole bunch of fun. God’s Word will be shared through powerful preaching, Christ Jesus will be exalted through passionate corporate worship, our faith will be stretched through relevant & interesting Bible studies, and we'll bond together as we go out in the community and minister to others. As you can see, it’ll be an unforgettable week! And the camp leaders who will encourage, challenge, & serve you, work hard to make it that way. Their goal is to provide the best camp experience ever and to send you home on-fire for Jesus.
This Year's Theme
"The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are protected."
Proverbs 18:10
Proverbs 18:10
Signup & Payments:
To sign up, complete this Camp Registration Form and submit a $100 deposit. Once the form & deposit are received, your spot will be secure.
All payments, including deposits, can be made:
1) With cash or check submitted to the church. Checks should be made out to "First Baptist Church"
2) Online through This Link, or though our FBC App. If you make an electronic payment, please be sure to select "youth" as the fund so that the money goes to the correct account.
All payments, including deposits, can be made:
1) With cash or check submitted to the church. Checks should be made out to "First Baptist Church"
2) Online through This Link, or though our FBC App. If you make an electronic payment, please be sure to select "youth" as the fund so that the money goes to the correct account.
Payment 1
Due on January 31. Your initial deposit reserves a spot and becomes non-refundable after January 31.
Payment 2
Due on March 16. Our suggested payment schedule is set up to help you pay for camp over time. However, feel free to go at your own pace or pay it all upfront.
Payment 3
Due on June 1. In addition to the funds paid to the church, students need money for 4 fast-food meals, plus optional snack & merchandise money.
Once Signed Up:
Once you're signed up, make sure to access this Online Parent Meeting Page. We won't hold a physical parent meeting at the church. Instead, all of the details & forms you need to make sure that you're ready for an incredible week of camp are available through this link.