
Welcome to the Youth Ministry at FBC Eastman!

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

FBC is a church that loves young people and desires to help them build a strong foundation for life. Our youth ministry, for 7th-12th grade students, is filled with teens who are passionate about Jesus and are committed to following Him with their lives. We come together to exalt Christ, study God’s Word, and build each other up. And as we do, you can be sure that we always have a great time.


Youth Schedule

C.O.R.E. Groups

Sundays at 10:00 a.m. in The Station. 
These age-graded small group times are a student’s best opportunity to get really plugged in to our church and turned on to God. 

The Pump

Wednesdays at 6:45 p.m. in The Station. 
The Pump is our opportunity for 7th-12th grade students to re-fuel during the middle of the week.

Check Out All of Our
Ongoing Ministries

There are so many opportunities for teens at FBC! Our ongoing ministries and other activities are all planned to help students make the most of their teenage years.

We hope you, or your student, will jump in and link up with our youth ministry.  We have a place for you!

Follow us on social media.

Contact Us

Please visit us in The Station, our youth building, at your next opportunity or contact Associate Pastor Tony Brooks below with any questions.